Monday, August 25, 2008

Evolution of Golf Fashion 101

Yves Saint Laurent, legendary fashion designer and icon said it best when he felt that, “Fashion was not only supposed to make women beautiful, but to reassure them, to give them confidence, to allow them to come to terms with themselves."

For the life of me I can’t imagine coming to terms with myself in pleated khakis, no matter how well I’m striking the ball. Say “bye-bye” to “pleated khakis”, the “scrunchie syndrome” and “high-collared” oversized “dumpy” golf shirts. Not cool folks. Not cool for even 2 seconds.

You see, golf fashion (and I use the term “fashion” loosely) is coming into its own. Sure - it fluctuated with Easter colored golf shirts for the past few years... but its development has evolved in the last 2 years.

Perhaps it's the young /energetic women blasting on tour straight out of high school or college making golf less pretentious?

I mean, if Christian Dior is making golf bags, then we are TOTALLY moving in the right direction:) Image: Christian Dior